Meet Me in the Middle: Using MV* to Reduce Artist-Programmer Bottlenecks

Meet Me in the Middle: Using MV* to Reduce Artist-Programmer Bottlenecks

It's the classic game production problem: artists can’t implement their visual effects until programmers build the systems that trigger them. But what if the order didn’t matter? If we can define the exact places their work needs to connect ahead of time, then either party can start their half and the other can meet them in the middle...

Welcome to Rabbit Hell! Reliable AI Locomotion with TDD

Welcome to Rabbit Hell! Reliable AI Locomotion with TDD

Unit testing is often thought to be inapplicable to game development due to randomness, 3D interaction, and unpredictable player input. But in ElemenTerra, we were able to utilize a TDD workflow to write stable and regression-proof AI locomotion. Welcome to Rabbit Hell!

C#? In Unreal? Speeding Up UE4 Development with Mono-UE

C#? In Unreal? Speeding Up UE4 Development with Mono-UE

“Should I make my game in Unreal or Unity?” is a frequent conundrum for gamedevs, and one of the biggest sticking points is Unity’s use of C# versus Unreal’s C++. Freeform Labs' dilemma while developing ElemenTerra was that we preferred Unreal's renderer and editor but Unity’s C# scripting. Our solution was to integrate the open-source Moono-UE plugin, which lets us write C# code for our Unreal game! Let’s start with the core premise…